Monday, May 25, 2009

Functionalism on Jungmann square

This functionalist building is on the corner of Narodni and Perlovka streets just by Jungmann square. Narodni is full of shoppers, Jungmann full of homeless and junkies and Perlovka is full of skanky hookers. Great place at night. Kafka used to drink down Perlovka on the Coal-market square. The original pub closed a few years ago unfortunately but maybe was for the better because it was way rough. I got into a fight with a junkie pimp one night in there because he was beating on his woman. It turned into a huge brawl but nobody really got hurt and then we just continued to drink in peace.
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1 comment:

Baaderonix said...

all in all, probably my favorite building in Prague. Great blog btw!